Upcoming Events
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- 26Third Sunday after Epiphany, BAS Morning Prayer, Proper 310:00 amCurrent River AA Group8:00 pm
- 27Fund-raising Committee Meeting7:00 pm
- 28Tuesday Study3:00 pmThe Group meets 3:00 to 4:30 pm on the 2nd, 4th and 5th Tuesdays each month. Everyone is welcome. For further information please contact Canon Ed Swayze at Canon.Ed@ststephenanglican.com , ...Current River AA Group8:00 pm
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- 30Choir Practice6:45 pm
- 31Current River AA Group8:00 pm
- 1Men’s Club Breakfast9:00 amThis is an opportunity to enjoy some good food and talk. ststephenanglican.com/community-building/#mensclub , ...
- 2Presentation of the Lord, BAS Eucharist10:00 amCurrent River AA Group8:00 pm
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- 4Current River AA Group8:00 pm
- 5Mission to Seafarers Eucharist12:10 pmSeafarers’ Centre, 100 Main St., at Keefer Terminal. Everyone is welcome. , ...
- 6Choir Practice6:45 pm
- 7Current River AA Group8:00 pm
- 8Bake Sale to fund-raise for Mission Project12:00 pmAt Current River Community Centre, 450 Dewe Ave. during the Current River Winter Carnival. Money raised will go to our Mission Project. More information to follow , ...
- 9Our Daily BreadOur Daily Bread is a daily devotional that is published four times a year. For each day there is a scripture reading and a short reflection. The March edition has arrived, and it can be picked up at the back of the nave or we can mail one to you on request. For more information, go to ststephenanglican.com/christian-fo , ...Fifth Sunday after Epiphany, BAS Eucharist, Proper 510:00 amBirthday Cake for Parishioners celebrating a birthday in February. , ...Current River AA Group8:00 pm
- 10Parish Council Meeting7:00 pm
- 11Tuesday Study3:00 pmThe Group meets 3:00 to 4:30 pm on the 2nd, 4th and 5th Tuesdays each month. Everyone is welcome. For further information please contact Canon Ed Swayze at Canon.Ed@ststephenanglican.com , ...Current River AA Group8:00 pm
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- 13Choir Practice6:45 pm
- 14Current River AA Group8:00 pm
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- 16Sixth Sunday after Epiphany, BAS Eucharist, Proper 610:00 amAnnual Vestry Meeting, Reverse Offering , ...Current River AA Group8:00 pm
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- 18Current River AA Group8:00 pm
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- 20Choir Practice6:45 pm
- 21Current River AA Group8:00 pm
- 22Annual Roast Beef Dinner5:00 pmHosted by the Men’s Club and is held at the Current River Community Centre (CRCC), 450 Dewe Ave. 5:00 pm doors open, 6:00 pm dinner. Tickets are Adults $30.00, Children 6 to 12 $20.00, Children five and under free. This is a fund-raiser for St. Stephen’s Operating Fund. Tickets must be purchased in advance by Sun , ...
- 23Seventh Sunday after Epiphany, BAS Morning Prayer, Proper 710:00 amCurrent River AA Group8:00 pm
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- 25Tuesday Study3:00 pmThe Group meets 3:00 to 4:30 pm on the 2nd, 4th and 5th Tuesdays each month. Everyone is welcome. For further information please contact Canon Ed Swayze at Canon.Ed@ststephenanglican.com , ...Current River AA Group8:00 pm
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- 27Choir Practice6:45 pm
- 28Current River AA Group8:00 pm
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