
When we worship together, we are reminded that we are not alone, and that we support each other. Singing is an important component to our worship and singing together brings a lot of enjoyment. Do you realize that the church is one of the few places you can sing with other people? Singing hymns and responses expresses our emotions, and the lyrics proclaim God’s grace.

The choir leads congregational singing on Sundays, from September to June, and on special occasions, the choir offers an anthem. On occasion, the choir may sing at a funeral.

Our Music Director plays a digital piano and the Anglican hymn book, Common Praise, is used. The hymn book has both traditional and contemporary hymns. Supplemental hymns may be printed in the bulletin.

The choir meets weekly on Thursdays 6:45 pm to 7:45 pm, except during the summer, to rehearse hymns, canticles, service music, and anthems.

People who love to sing are encouraged to join the choir; if interested, contact the Music Director.

We are also interested in involving more musicians in our worship; and those interested should speak with the Pastor or the Music Director .

See also: