Upcoming Events
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- 23Seventh Sunday after Epiphany, BAS Morning Prayer, Proper 710:00 amCurrent River AA Group8:00 pm
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- 25Tuesday Study3:00 pmThe Group meets 3:00 to 4:30 pm on the 2nd, 4th and 5th Tuesdays each month. Everyone is welcome. For further information please contact Canon Ed Swayze at Canon.Ed@ststephenanglican.com , ...Current River AA Group8:00 pm
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- 27Choir Practice6:45 pm
- 28Current River AA Group8:00 pm
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- 2Last Sunday after Epiphany, BAS Eucharist10:00 amCurrent River AA Group8:00 pm
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- 4Current River AA Group8:00 pm
- 5Mission to Seafarers Eucharist12:10 pmSeafarers’ Centre, 100 Main St., at Keefer Terminal. Everyone is welcome. , ...Ash Wednesday, BAS Eucharist7:30 pm
- 6Choir Practice6:45 pm
- 7Current River AA Group8:00 pm
- 8Men’s Club Breakfast9:00 amThis is an opportunity to enjoy some good food and talk. ststephenanglican.com/community-building/#mensclub , ...
- 9Daylight Saving Time starts2:00 amFirst Sunday in Lent, BAS Eucharist10:00 amDaylight Saving Time starts at 2:00 am, set your clocks ahead before you retire on Saturday evening. Birthday Cake for Parishioners celebrating a birthday in March. , ...Current River AA Group8:00 pm
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- 11Tuesday Study3:00 pmThe Group meets 3:00 to 4:30 pm on the 2nd, 4th and 5th Tuesdays each month. Everyone is welcome. For further information please contact Canon Ed Swayze at Canon.Ed@ststephenanglican.com , ...Current River AA Group8:00 pm
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- 13Choir Practice6:45 pm
- 14Current River AA Group8:00 pm
- 15Quiet Morning9:30 amLed by Canon Ed. The morning will consist of some teaching about stewardship and time to pray individually. Dress warm. , ...
- 16Second Sunday of Lent, BAS Eucharist10:00 amReverse Offering , ...Current River AA Group8:00 pm
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- 18Current River AA Group8:00 pm
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- 20Choir Practice6:45 pm
- 21Current River AA Group8:00 pm
- 22Deanery Lenten Retreat9:00 amMore information to follow. , ...
- 23Third Sunday of Lent, BAS Morning Prayer10:00 amCurrent River AA Group8:00 pm
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- 25Tuesday Study3:00 pmThe Group meets 3:00 to 4:30 pm on the 2nd, 4th and 5th Tuesdays each month. Everyone is welcome. For further information please contact Canon Ed Swayze at Canon.Ed@ststephenanglican.com , ...Current River AA Group8:00 pm
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- 27Choir Practice6:45 pm
- 28Current River AA Group8:00 pm
- 29
- 30Fourth Sunday of Lent, BAS Eucharist10:00 amCurrent River AA Group8:00 pm
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- 1Current River AA Group8:00 pm
- 2Mission to Seafarers Eucharist12:10 pmSeafarers’ Centre, 100 Main St., at Keefer Terminal. Everyone is welcome. , ...
- 3Choir Practice6:45 pm
- 4Current River AA Group8:00 pm
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