Turkey Supper hosted by St. Stephen’s Men’s Club

Held at the Current River Community Centre (CRCC), 450 Dewe Ave.
5:30 pm doors open, 6:00 pm dinner. Tickets: Adults $25, children under 5 free. This is a fund-raiser for St. Stephen’s Operating Fund.

Tickets must be purchased in advance by September 24. Leave a message on St. Stephen’s voice mail 807-683-6051.

If you want a take-out dinner instead of a sit-down dinner, purchase a dinner ticket beforehand. When you present your paid dinner ticket at the door, you will be provided with a take-out dinner ticket, which you can present to a CRCC staff member, who will then package up the meal. It will contain all the portions that a regular sit-down dinner would have, including a dessert.

The event is finished.


Sep 30 2023


5:30 pm