About St. Stephens

Fee Schedule

If you are interested in using the church building, please telephone the church office (807-683-6051), and if no one is in, leave a message on the voice mail. Generally, requests should be made at least three weeks in advance. Inquires can also be sent to office@ststephenanglican.com.

Unless noted below, services offered by the church are without charge. Donations and fund-raising raise the funds to pay for these services.

Fees for the Pastor, worship space, Altar Guild and Parish Hall are payable to St. Stephen the Martyr Anglican Church; and for the Music Director to her.


$550* Pastor, use of the church building, bulletin & Altar Guild

$500* Pastor & bulletin, wedding at a location other than St. Stephen’s

$100** Music Director

Click here for

Wedding – Couple Information.



$400* Pastor or Deacon, use of the church building, & Altar Guild, includes interment at the cemetery

$125* Parish Hall Rental for reception (coffee & tea supplies included)

$10** Music Director

Graveside Service

$100*  Pastor or Deacon at the cemetary

* The Pastor in consultation with the Church Wardens may waive or reduce the fee if the couple/family is an identified financial supporter of the parish or in the case of financial need.

** To use another accompanist, the Music Director must grant permission, and she is paid her fee.

Parish Hall Rental

The Parish Hall is suitable for small gatherings: it can accommodate up to 89 people seated at tables, 113 persons in non-fixed seats or 213 standing. 

Single use $100

Weekly Rate $25/week

Insurance The group will provide a Certificate of Insurance.

Alcohol No alcohol will be served without written permission from St. Stephen’s Pastor and Wardens. Serving alcohol must conform to the policy set by the Executive Committee of the Diocese of Algoma; see Alcohol Policy.

Approval for Use of the Church Building

The Pastor approves the use of the nave (worship area), and the Pastor and Church Wardens approve the use of the Parish Hall. In some cases, the policy of the Diocese of Algoma applies with respect to the use of the building.

Changes to Fee Schedule

The Music Director sets her fees by notifying the Pastor; all other fees are set by the Parish Council.