Tuesday Study Group meets 3:00 to 4:30 pm on the 2nd, 4th & 5th Tuesdays each month. The next study begins at 2:30 pm, January 14 (please note time change). Everyone is welcome. We intend to gather at 2:30 pm and at 2:45 rewatch lecture 10 – Gospel of Mark – Good News in Mystery, and then watch lecture 11 – Gospel of Mark – Teacher and Disciples. Then we will discuss lecture 11. The reason to rewatch lecture 10 is that lecture 11 looks like a continuation of it, and it would be good to refresh our memories. If you wish to do some background reading: Lecture 10 – Gospel of Mark chapters 1 to 8; Lecture 11 – Gospel of Mark chapters 9 and 10. For further information please contact Canon Ed Swayze at Canon.Ed@ststephenanglican.com.