St. Stephen the Martyr Anglican Church

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Our Purpose

is to build a loving Christian family of faith and to nurture our spiritual lives as we share God’s love.

Our vision for St Stephen’s

is to foster a kind, loving and healthy Christian Community:

  • celebrating God’s presence in our lives, helping those of all ages in building spiritual lives and faith; and
  • helping the community of St. Stephen’s, the larger community of Current River and area by providing spiritual, emotional, moral, mental and physical support.
  • With Jesus leading the way, together everyone achieves more.

Provision for Mobility, Hearing, Seeing Challenged

  • Wheelchair ramp accesses main floor.
  • Accessible washroom on main floor with an infant’s change table.
  • PA System in nave (worship area on main floor), however special hearing aids and signing are not available.
  • Large print books: BAS, and Common Praise are available.

All worship services are offered on Zoom, email to request a link.

Latest News

Holy Week and Easter Services

April 17 7:30 pm Maundy Thursday Eucharist & stripping of the altar. April 18 2:30 pm Liturgy of the Word with Voices from the Foot of the Cross.  April 19 7:30 pm Easter Vigil and Renewal of Baptismal Vows. April 20 10:00 am Sunday of the Resurrection, Easter...

Our Daily Bread

Our Daily Bread is a daily devotional that is published four times a year. For each day there is a scripture reading and a short reflection. The March edition has arrived, and it can be picked up at the back of the nave. For more information, go to...

Tuesday Study

Tuesday Study Group meets 3:00 to 4:30 pm on the 2nd, 4th & 5th Tuesdays each month. The next study is March 25. Everyone is welcome. For further information please contact Canon Ed Swayze at